Interesting facts about Nigerian animals

Here we share some information and interesting facts about animals that live in Nigeria.

1. African civet

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- African civet

Scientific name: Civettictis civetta
Gene family: Viverridae
Conservation status: Least concern

The African civet is a solitary animal that can be found all over sub-Saharan Africa. The African civet is an omnivour and eats vegetables, eggs and is capable of eating toxic invertebrates. It mostly uses smell and sound to detect prey. The most expensive coffee in the world named “kopi luwak” is made from partially digested coffee beans that are harvested from the civets poop. A cup of kopi luwak coffee can cost as much as $80 US dollars.

2. Warthog

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- warthog, wildpig

Scientific name: Phacochoerus africanus
Gene family: Suidae
Conservation status: Least concern

The warthog is a wild pig that lives in sub-Saharan Africa. To live in such arid and hot climate the warthog is able to withstand hot temperatures and can go long periods without water. The main predators of the warthog are lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and crocodiles, its primary defense is to flee since warthogs can run up to speeds of 48 km/h (30 mph). Warthogs are largely herbivorous but they can also eat small animals.

3. African bush elephant

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- African bush elephant

Scientific name: Loxodonta africana
Gene family: Elephantidae
Conservation status: Endangered

The African bush elephant lives in 37 African countries including the north of Nigeria. The african bush elephant is the largest land animal on earth and can reach a shoulder height of up to 3.96 m (13 ft) and weigh up to 10.4 t (11.5 short tons). These elephants have a strong social structure and live in herds of up to 100 elephants. they are also intelligent animals and are known for their good memory. The lifespan of elephants ranges between 70 and 75 in the wild and can even get older in captivity. 

4. Leopard

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- leopard in resting position

Scientific name: Panthera pardus
Gene family: Felidae
Conservation status: Vulnerable

Leopards are large wild cats that are native to Africa and are known for their fur. The leopard is a solitary and territorial animal which only in the mating season interacts with other adults. Leopards are skilled climbers and use this skill to carry prey up into the tree to protect it from other predators. Leopards can reach speeds of up to 58 km/h (36 mph) which they use in their hunt for prey.

5. Spotted hyena

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals-Picture of a hyena

Scientific name: Crocuta crocuta 
Gene family: Hyaenidae
Conservation status: Least concern

 The spotted hyena is native to sub-Saharan Africa and there between 27 000 and 47 000 hyenas alive. Hyenas are social animals and have clans which can have over 100 members. Spotted hyenas are known for their fur and their vocalisations, such as their laughs, growls and giggles. Just as elephants are hyenas intelligent animals which they use for the cooperation within the clan besides there intelligents are they also fast and can reach speeds up to 60 km/h (37 mph).  

6. Cross River Gorilla

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- Cross River Gorilla with infant

Scientific name: Gorilla gorilla diehli 
Gene family: Hominidae
Conservation status: Critically endangered

The Cross River Gorilla is a subspecies of the western gorilla which lives on the border of Nigeria and Cameroon. It is estimated that there are only 250 gorillas left which makes the Cross River Gorilla the rarest gorilla species. The species is known for its shorter and thicker skull, they are also smaller than other subspecies of western gorilla. The main reason the species is critically endangered is because of deforestation and the hunt on these gorillas for bushmeat. Learn more about the Cross River Gorilla on the page “Regions and Animals“.

7. African wild dog

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- picture of an African wild dog

Scientific name: Lycaon pictus
Gene family: Canidae
Conservation status: Endangered

The African wild dog is native to sub-Saharan Africa and is an endangered species with only 6600 dogs left. African wild dogs are specialised in hunting down antelopes which it catches by chasing them to exhaustion. The dogs are social animals and live in packs which can have up to 40 dogs in it.

8. Nile crocodile

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- Nile crocodile on the shore

Scientific name: Crocodylus niloticus
Gene family: Crocodylidae
Conservation status: Least concern

The Nile crocodile lives in fresh water habitats and can be found throughout much of the continent. Male crocodiles are on average between 2.94 m and 4.4 m (9 ft 8 in and 14 ft 5 in) in length. Nile crocodiles can get far bigger, one crocodile was 6.1 m (20 ft) in lengt and weigh up to 1089 kg (2401 lb). Nile crocodiles are solitary animals and will defend their territory from against other crocodiles. These crocodiles have a lifespan of 70 years and are considered the second largest reptile in the world. This species of crocodile is also responsible for hundreds of human deaths yearly making it of the most dangerous animals for humans in the wild.

9. Niger Delta red colobus

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- Two Niger Delta red colobus monkeys

Scientific name: Piliocolobus epieni
Gene family: Cercopithecidae
Conservation status: Critically endangered

The Niger Delta red colobus is a species of colobus monkey that can only be found in the Nigerian Niger delta. Unfortunately this species have come under pressure because of deforestation and hunting, with less than 500 of these monkeys that remain in the wild makes it on of the rarest primates in the world.


10. Central African rock python

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- Central African rock python

Scientific name: Python sebae
Gene family: Pythonidae
Conservation status: Near threatened

 This species of snake is of the largest species with some snakes reaching a length of 6 meter (20 ft). Eventhough rock pythons are nonvenomous and rarely kill humans they are still feared. Female rock pythons protect their nest and hatchlings unlike other species of snake.


11. Waterbuck

Interesting facts about Nigerian animals- Waterbuck

Scientific name: Kobus ellipsiprymnus
Gene family: Bovidae
Conservation status: Least concern

Waterbuck are large entelopes found in sub-Saharan Africa. They are known for their distinctive white ring around their hindquarters, which they use to identify each other. Waterbuck are social animals and have strong social bonds with their family members and can form groups of up to 40. Waterbuck are strong swimmers. Besides that, Waterbuck are fast runners and can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h (31 mph). 

12. African buffalo

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Scientific name: Syncerus caffer
Gene family: Bovidae
Conservation status: Near threatened

The African buffalo is a large mammal in Nigeria and can be found throughout Africa. Buffaloes are social animals and live in herds, the size of herds are highly variable ranging between 50 and 500. These herds make them less vulnerable for predators, the herd will also respond to distress calls of a member that is chased down by predators. Even though the buffalo is a herbivore, it is considered one of the most dangerous animals in all of Africa, killing over 200 people every year.

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